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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)

Ultra Wideband Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar and Imaging

Ultra Wideband Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar and Imaging
Автор: David Edwards
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Cтраниц: 1
Формат: PDF
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9780470056820
Качество: excellent
Providing up-to-date material for UWB antennas and propagation as used in a wide variety of applications, «Ultra-wideband Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar and Imaging» includes fundamental theory, practical design information and extensive discussion of UWB applications from biomedical imaging, through to radar and wireless communications. An in-depth treatment of ultra-wideband signals in practical environments is given, including interference, coexistence and diversity considerations. The text includes antennas and propagation in biological media in addition to more conventional environments. The topics covered are approached with the aim of helping practising engineers to view the subject from a different angle, and to consider items as variables that were treated as constants in narrowband and wideband systems. Features tables of propagation data, photographs of antenna systems and graphs of results (e.g. radiation patterns, propagation characteristics) Covers the fundamentals of antennas and propagation, as well as offering an in-depth treatment of antenna elements and arrays for UWB systems, and UWB propagation models Provides a description of the underlying concepts for the design of antennas and arrays for conventional as well as ultra-wideband systems Draws together UWB theory by using case-studies to show applications of antennas and propagation in communication, radar and imaging systems The book highlights the unique design issues of using ultra-wideband and will serve both as an introductory text and a reference guide for designers and students alike.

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