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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual

The Horse Book of Lists

The Horse Book of Lists
Автор: Cindy Hale
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781937049874
Качество: excellent
Someone actually counted the 968 useful facts and fun trivia that make The Horse Book of Lists such an irresistible page turner for horse lovers of all ages. Organized in over 90 lists of horsey topics, this 336-page volume attempts to sate the horse enthusiast’s unquenchable appetite for horse-related knowledge. Whether it’s practical tips, such as purchasing a horse, caring for a horse, or training, or sheer nonsense, like deciphering the meaning of horse sayings or cowboy-speak, The Horse Book of Lists delivers in quality and quantity. The book is divided into 12 chapters, focusing on the following topics: the horse in history, from archaeological sites and American West museums to myths and religion; horse breeds and color, including popular and rare breeds and nearly two dozen patterns; horses at work; cowboys and trail horses; buying a horse; tack and supplies, for English and Western, plus bits and training aids; training the horse, from becoming a horse trainer to curing naughty horse habits; competitive horse and rider, spanning the range of quirky equestrian competitions and ways to recycle horse show ribbons to racehorse greats and female firsts; the horse in art, exploring paintings, sculptures, photographs, and more; the horse in entertainment, spotlighting classic horse novels, songs, movies, horse-happy celebrities, and more; horse health, including anatomy, breeding, and health issues; and horses coast-to-coast, touring 119 scenic horse places around the USA. A glossary (“A Hodgepodge of Horseology”) and appendix conclude the volume.

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