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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Ценные бумаги / инвестиции
 Конкуренция и конкурентные стратегии на российском рынке лизинга: современная практика
 Конкуренция и конкурентные стратегии на российском рынке лизинга: современная практика

 Автор: М. В. Леднев
 Год: 2020

  В статье рассматривается конкуренция и конкурентные отношения на российском рынке лизинга исходя из особенностей данной финансовой услуги и ее современного уровня развития. Проведен расчет показателей рыночной концентрации, оценка методов конкуренции и конкурентных стратегий, применяемых российскими лизинговыми компаниями.
 Как покупать дешево и продавать дорого. Пособие для разумного инвестора
 Как покупать дешево и продавать дорого. Пособие для разумного инвестора

 Автор: Эрик Найман
 Год: 2011

  «Альпина» – всегда про инновации и нестандартные решения, и эту книгу озвучил искусственный интеллект! Такой подход позволит нам выпускать больше аудиокниг, а вам – больше слушать. Подобного мы ещё не делали и не сможем без отзывов: расскажите, как вам озвучка и что можно сделать ещё лучше. О том, как заработать деньги на фондовом рынке, как продать 20 долларов за четыре сотни, как удвоить шансы на успех, просто изменив свое первоначальное мне
 Tramline Trading
 Tramline Trading

 Автор: John Burford

  A straightforward, winning trading method
There are certain universal chart patterns that are traced out time and time again by markets – these patterns have stood the test of time and can be instantly recognised by a skilled trader. When you learn how to spot these patterns and use them to forecast market action you have the basis of a winning trading method. Tramline Trading is a complete practical guide that shows you precisely how to

 The Trading Playbook
 The Trading Playbook

 Автор: Michael Gouvalaris

  Traders have a tendency to over-complicate. Many search for the latest new indicator that will give them an edge, or a new trading strategy to deliver bigger wins. The message of <i>The Trading Playbook</i> is to forget all of this and concentrate on three solid foundations to improve your trading performance:
Simplicity – focus on price action alone. Probabilities – take trades where the odds are in your favour. Hard work
 The Ruff Guide to Trading
 The Ruff Guide to Trading

 Автор: Steve Ruffley

  If it's trading, then Steve Ruffley has seen it and done it!
Steve Ruffley has been involved in the finance industry for 15 years and is currently chief market strategist and head of education at InterTrader. In his Ruff Guide to Trading, he shows you the markets through his eyes. He reveals how he sees trading as a whole, how he assesses and exploits trading opportunities, and how he thinks about risk. He also describes three of hi
 The New Value Investing
 The New Value Investing

 Автор: C. Thomas Howard

  The aim of value investing is to identify stocks that are undervalued and which can be expected to produce an above average return in the future. And the message from the history of investing is clear: if you successfully pursue a value investing strategy over the long term, you will earn an above average return on your portfolio. The goal of <i>The New Value Investing</i> is to help you identify undervalued stocks and teach you how
 The Investment Assets Handbook
 The Investment Assets Handbook

 Автор: Yoram Lustig

  Investors who build diversified, multi-asset portfolios, have an ever increasing range of investment assets at their disposal. In order to invest effectively – and build a solid, performing portfolio – it is essential for investors to understand each of these single asset classes and how to use them in portfolios. <i>The Investment Assets Handbook</i> covers the full spectrum of different asset classes and investment types available
 The Future is Small
 The Future is Small

 Автор: Gervais Williams

  In a financial world dominated by gigantism, the beauty of smallness hasn't had much of a look in. Yet beyond the credit boom, globalisation has been found wanting, with growth hard to find. Could it be that small firms are set to be the stock market outperformers of the future?
This book confounds the current 'big is better' consensus, with Gervais Williams' extraordinary data showing why smallness offers an effectiv
 The Emerging Markets Handbook
 The Emerging Markets Handbook

 Автор: Pran Tiku

Tomorrow's booming economies are today's emerging markets. Overlooked by most investors, these markets offer serious opportunities for those prepared to move ahead of the crowd and take their investing off the beaten path.
If you're an investor unafraid of the unfamiliar and looking to carve out extraordinary opportunities in new markets, this book should be your starting point
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