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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Northwest Trees
 Northwest Trees

 Автор: Stephen F. Arno

  Perennial favorite in a new, convenient field-guide size Concise natural history facts about more than 60 native species No other guide duplicates Arno and Hammerly’s blend of expertise and visual artistry. Covering Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and north into Canada, they identify and illustrate more than 60 species of indigenous Northwestern trees by characteristic shape, size, needles or leaves, and cones or seeds. This essenti
 Листья деревьев. Как узнать растение
 Листья деревьев. Как узнать растение

 Автор: Михаил Куценко
 Год: 2020

  Этот карманный определитель станет незаменимым спутником каждого любознательного и эрудированного любителя природы! Перед вами описание 60 наиболее распространенных в средней полосе России деревьев и кустарников, которые можно повстречать и в лесах, и на лугах, на даче и в городской среде. С помощью определителя вы научитесь с легкостью распознавать растения по листьям и плодам, узнаете о местах их произрастания и сроках плодоношения. В форма
 Northwest Foraging
 Northwest Foraging

 Автор: Doug Benoliel

  CLICK HERE to download the section on foraging for field mustard with four sample recipes from Northwest Foraging  * Suitable for novice foragers and seasoned botanists alike* More than 65 of the most common edible plants in the Pacific Northwest are thoroughly described*Poisonous plants commonly encountered are also includedOriginally published in 1974, Northwest Foraging quickly became a wild food classic. Now fully updated and

 Marijuana Botany
 Marijuana Botany

 Автор: Robert Connell Clarke

  Marijuana Botany presents the scientific knowledge and propagation techniques used to preserve and multiply vanishing Cannabis strains. Also included is information concerning Cannabis genetics and breeding used to begin plant improvement programs. The book presents scientific and horticultural principles, along with their practical applications, necessary for the breeding and propagation of Cannabis and in particular, marijuana. It will appeal
 The Lord's Bounty
 The Lord's Bounty

 Автор: Darin Wilde

  Everything you need to know about foraging deciduous plants (trees, shrubs and select vines) on the U.S. Gulf Coast from Texas to the Florida panhandle. Complete plant descriptions with suggested preservation and cooking methods, some basic recipes for beer, bread and even wine; multiple color photos of each plant type; USA plant distribution maps to help you zoom in on what is in your area; Appendices of what to look for on a monthly basis. It
 Forest School and Autism
 Forest School and Autism

 Автор: Michael Orange James

  Forest School's innovative outdoor approach offers specific benefits to learners with autism, including increased social skills, raised self-esteem and improved sensory function. This guide raises autism awareness amongst practitioners by providing practical and easy-to-follow advice for adapting Forest School activities for those with autism. For those coming from a mainstream Forest School background, the author offers an introduction to
 Flora of the Pacific Northwest
 Flora of the Pacific Northwest

 Автор: C. Leo Hitchcock

  Flora of the Pacific Northwest, first published in 1973, became an instant classic for its innovative style of providing species descriptions in the identification keys, and for its comprehensive illustrations of nearly all treated taxa (species, subspecies, and varieties). Students rely on it as an essential primer, while veteran botanists and natural resource managers use it as the definitive reference for the region�s flora.This co
 Cottonwood and the River of Time
 Cottonwood and the River of Time

 Автор: Reinhard F. Stettler

  Cottonwood and the River of Time looks at some of the approaches scientists have used to unravel the puzzles of the natural world. With a lifetime of work in forestry and genetics to guide him, Reinhard Stettler celebrates both what has been learned and what still remains a mystery as he examines not only cottonwoods but also trees more generally, their evolution, and their relationship to society.Cottonwoods flourish on the verge, near streams
 DREAM CATCHERS  -  Nature Meets Digital
 DREAM CATCHERS - Nature Meets Digital

 Автор: Barbara Kennedy

  Look inside a thing to know its wonder. Just like snowflakes, no two dream catchers–or dreams–are alike. Stick out your tongue and catch one on the very tip of it. Lick it. Roll it around on your tongue. Awaken your palate. Then take a bigger bite. Worst case, you'll spit it out. Most likely, you'll be back. It may take a while. We tend to fight it; it hurts so good. Dreams are sometimes bitter, sometimes swee
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