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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 This Land
 This Land

 Автор: Robert H. Mohlenbrock
 Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment
 Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment

 Автор: Peter H. Reill
 Terrestrial Vegetation of California, 3rd Edition
 Terrestrial Vegetation of California, 3rd Edition

 Автор: Группа авторов

 Mayo Ethnobotany
 Mayo Ethnobotany

 Автор: David Yetman
 California's Frontier Naturalists
 California's Frontier Naturalists

 Автор: Richard G Beidleman
 The Oak Papers
 The Oak Papers

 Автор: James Canton

  'A profound meditation on the human need for connection with nature' Peter Wohlleben
This is a book about one man’s encounter with an ancient tree, the Honywood Oak.
James Canton spent two years sitting with and studying the Honywood Oak. A colossus of a tree, it would have been a sapling when the Magna Carta was signed. Inevitably he needs to slow down in order to appreciate it fully, to tune in to its slower time fra
 The Lumberjacks
 The Lumberjacks

 Автор: Donald MacKay

  The 19th century spawned a unique breed of men who took pride in their woodsmen skills and rough codes of conduct. They called themselves lumberers, shantymen, timber beasts, les bucherron – and, more recently, lumberjacks, working in the vast forests of eastern Canada and British Columbia. Across the country, farm boys would go to the woods, lumbering being the only winter work available. Immigrants – Swedes and Finns more often than not – resu
 The Legacy of John Waldie and Sons
 The Legacy of John Waldie and Sons

 Автор: Kenneth A. Armson

 Nature in the Kawarthas
 Nature in the Kawarthas

 Автор: Peterborough Field Naturalists

  Here you will find a wealth of information on the fauna, flora, and natural wonders of the Kawarthas. The Kawarthas sit astride the Canadian Shield and fertile lands to the south. This is cottage country a place where people are closer to nature and where children and adults remark on the sightings of animals, birds, and butterflies from windows and lakeside chairs and ask questions about what they see. This book is a valuable asset and will ans
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