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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Lemon-Aid Used Cars and Trucks 2010-2011
 Lemon-Aid Used Cars and Trucks 2010-2011

 Автор: Phil Edmonston
 Lemon-Aid New Cars and Trucks 2012
 Lemon-Aid New Cars and Trucks 2012

 Автор: Phil Edmonston
 6 Practical Tips for Closing Automotive Sales
 6 Practical Tips for Closing Automotive Sales

 Автор: Tom Hopkins

  Having a well-trained sales team is like having insurance for your advertising dollars. Your marketing efforts capture the attention of buyers. The sales team converts those efforts into closed sales and satisfied clients. They are where the rubber truly meets the road in the auto industry. Implement the six tips in this e-book and watch as the confidence level of your team increases right along with your revenues. A few of the areas covered in

 Управление экономической безопасностью автотранспортной системы региона
 Управление экономической безопасностью автотранспортной системы региона

 Автор: Т. И. Тохиров
 Год: 2020

  В статье рассматривается ряд методологических положений анализа процесса управления экономической безопасностью автотранспортной системы региона в сфере реализации транспортно-экономических интересов. Отмечается, что противоречия экономических интересов создают не только предпосылки для возникновения угроз жизненно важным экономическим интересам субъектов хозяйствования автомобильного транспорта на региональном уровне, но и особенности формирова
 Steve Magnante's 1001 Muscle Car Facts
 Steve Magnante's 1001 Muscle Car Facts

 Автор: Steve Magnante

  Author Steve Magnante is well known for his encyclopedia-like knowledge of automotive facts. There are 1001 well-researched muscle car facts in this book that even the most esteemed experts would be surprised to learn. Fans of these collectible cars will appreciate the technical and entertaining information shared on every page about all of the great American makes.
 Modern Engine Blueprinting Techniques
 Modern Engine Blueprinting Techniques

 Автор: Mike Mavrigian

  In this book, expert engine builder and veteran author Mike Mavrigian explains and illustrates the most discriminating engine building techniques and perform detailed procedures, so the engine is perfectly balanced, matched, and optimized.
 High-Performance Ignition Systems
 High-Performance Ignition Systems

 Автор: Todd Ryden

  How to Build High-Performance Ignition Systems-Revised Edition is a completely updated guide to understanding automotive ignition systems, from old-school points and condensers to modern computer-controlled distributorless systems, and from bone-stock systems to highly modified.
 Performance Automotive Engine Math
 Performance Automotive Engine Math

 Автор: John Baechtel

  This book walks readers through the complete engine, showcasing the methodology required to define each specific parameter, and how to translate the engineering math to hard measurements reflected in various engine parts, and a successful build.
 Green Transportation Basics
 Green Transportation Basics

 Автор: Dan Chiras

  This is the third of the Green Energy GuidesWell-written and concise, this guide cuts through the hype and confusion to offer straightforward facts about the most promising green cars and trucks, and sustainable fuels. It was written to clarify some of the misconceptions and to help people make informed decisions.Designed for ordinary citizens who are seeking more affordable and sustainable transportation options, entrepreneurs, legislators, car
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