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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual

Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology
Автор: Arthur Freeman
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Cтраниц: 1
Формат: PDF
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9780470190555
Качество: excellent
An accessible introduction to the field of clinical psychology focused on the roles both science and clinical experience play in today's evidence-based practice environment Clinical psychology has been undergoing a revolution–driven by research and the need to identify and develop scientifically proven interventions that improve client care. By the time a student completes his or her graduate work, the field will have evolved even more. With the role of clinical psychologists and the environment in which they work rapidly evolving, the training challenge has never been so great. Thorough and realistic in presentation, Clinical Psychology: Integrating Science and Practice helps students gain the tools they need to become thoughtful and effective clinicians. This accessibly written text provides a foundation of the basics of the psychotherapy process, grounded in an integration of its science, theory, and, ultimately, practice. Filled with case examples that illustrate realistic clinical scenarios, this text offers: * A detailed look at basic clinical tasks and skills that comprise the nuts and bolts of a practitioner's work * Chapters on research, working with cultural diversity, interviewing and assessment, developing evidence-based treatment plans, practicing ethically, and caring for yourself and colleagues * A consistent format in each chapter made up of learning objectives; chapter introductions; orienting headings and subheadings throughout; figures, tables, and boxes; chapter summaries; and helpful chapter appendixes * An online Instructor's Manual featuring chapter-by-chapter quizzes, essay questions, supporting materials, key words, and PowerPoint slides Clinical Psychology: Integrating Science and Practice paints a vivid portrait of the work of the clinical psychologist and uniquely illustrates clinical psychology's richness and historical significance, as well as its leadership in the scientific development of methods and techniques for clinical assessment and intervention.

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