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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Архитектурные конструкции
 Construction Stakeholder Management
 Construction Stakeholder Management

 Автор: Olomolaiye Paul

  This book captures best practice in construction stakeholder management using a range of international case studies. It demonstrates stakeholder mapping, presents the power/interest matrix and analyses a model for the timely engagement of stakeholders. The increased use of partnering and other relational forms of contracting have underlined the need for project participants to work together and also to be aware of all those who can affect or be
 Construction Project Safety
 Construction Project Safety

 Автор: Schaufelberger John

  This introduction to construction safety for construction management personnel takes a project-based approach to present potential hazards in construction and their mitigation or prevention. After introducing Accident Prevention Programs and OSHA compliance requirements, the book integrates safety instruction into the building process by following a building project from site construction through interior finish. Reinforcing this applied approac
 Post-Disaster Reconstruction of the Built Environment. Rebuilding for Resilience
 Post-Disaster Reconstruction of the Built Environment. Rebuilding for Resilience

 Автор: Haigh Richard

  Disasters threaten all parts of the world and they appear to be increasing in frequency, scale and intensity. Despite huge improvements in the emergency response, permanent reconstruction is often uncoordinated, inefficiently managed and slow to begin. International agencies are geared to an efficient response in terms of humanitarian relief, but they are not well versed in the requirements of long-term reconstruction, which is often constrained

 Managing Change in Construction Projects. A Knowledge-Based Approach
 Managing Change in Construction Projects. A Knowledge-Based Approach

 Автор: Senaratne Sepani

  Managing Change in Construction Projects: a knowledge-based approach offers a new perspective on construction project change by viewing the process of change management as a knowledge-intensive activity, where team members bring their tacit and explicit knowledge into the situation; share, create and capture this collective knowledge for future re-use in similar situations. Through this knowledge-based approach, construction teams can successful
 Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment
 Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment

 Автор: Knight Andrew

  This book provides a bridge between the introductory research methods books and the discipline-specific, higher level texts. Its unique feature is the coverage of the detailed process of research rather than the findings of research projects. Chapter authors have been carefully selected by their expertise, discipline and location to give an eclectic range of perspectives. Particular care has been taken to balance positivist with interpretivist a
 Construction Management Strategies. A Theory of Construction Management
 Construction Management Strategies. A Theory of Construction Management

 Автор: Radosavljevic Milan

  An authoritative textbook on construction management offering a clear model for understanding theoretical aspects. The construction industry has become a truly global network of interconnected stakeholders making demands which require the involvement of skilled workforces from all over the world. Construction Management Strategies sets the foundations for understanding and managing construction’s inherent complexity and uniqueness. It establishe
 Civil Engineer's Handbook of Professional Practice
 Civil Engineer's Handbook of Professional Practice

 Автор: Hansen Karen

  A well-written, hands-on, single-source guide to the professional practice of civil engineering There is a growing understanding that to be competitive at an international level, civil engineers not only must build on their traditional strengths in technology and science but also must acquire greater mastery of the business of civil engineering. Project management, teamwork, ethics, leadership, and communication have been defined as essential to
 Distributed Intelligence In Design
 Distributed Intelligence In Design

 Автор: Medjdoub Benachir

  The book contains the papers developed from the presentations at the Distributed Intelligence in Design Symposium, held in Salford in May 2009. In this context, Distributed Intelligence refers to the interdisciplinary knowledge of a range of different individuals in different organisations, with different backgrounds and experience, and the symposium discussed the media, technologies and behaviours required to support their successful collaborat
 Designing and Building with UHPFRC
 Designing and Building with UHPFRC

 Автор: Toulemonde Francois

  This book contains the proceedings of the international workshop “Designing and Building with Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC): State of the Art and Development”, organized by AFGC, the French Association for Civil Engineering and French branch of fib, in Marseille (France), November 17-18, 2009. This workshop was focused on the experience of a lot of recent UHPFRC realizations. Through more than 50 papers, this book det
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