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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Архитектурные конструкции
 Reconstructing Project Management
 Reconstructing Project Management

 Автор: Peter W. G. Morris

  This hugely informative and wide-ranging analysis on the management of projects, past, present and future, is written both for practitioners and scholars. Beginning with a history of the discipline’s development, Reconstructing Project Management provides an extensive commentary on its practices and theoretical underpinnings, and concludes with proposals to improve its relevancy and value. Written not without a hint of attitude, this is by no me
 RSMeans Cost Data
 RSMeans Cost Data

 Автор: RSMeans

  RSMeans Cost Data, Student Edition provides a thorough introduction to cost estimating in a self-contained print and online package. With clear explanations and a hands-on, example-driven approach, it is the ideal reference for students and new professionals who need to learn how to perform cost estimating for building construction. Features include: Commercial and residential construction cost data in print and online formats Complete how-to gu
 Conflict in Construction
 Conflict in Construction

 Автор: Jeffery Whitfield

  Construction projects are beset with disputes. In 1960 around 250 writs were issued relating to construction disputes. Within 30 years this number increased five-fold, and in the 20 years since then the number of disputes has not fallen. Some disputes are significant, others are quite minor, but most could probably be avoided. Disputes originate in disagreements or conflict between individuals, which if addressed early, can prevent escalation in

 Heating Services in Buildings
 Heating Services in Buildings

 Автор: David Watkins E.

  Water based heating systems are efficient, flexible, versatile and offer many advantages over other heating systems. These advantages (fast response, good controllability, efficient zonal heating and largely silent operation) all require that initial design, installation, commissioning and maintenance be carried out to a high standard by competent engineers. Heating Services in Buildings provides the reader with a detailed and thorough understan
 Management of Construction Projects
 Management of Construction Projects

 Автор: Brian Cooke

  Construction Management is a wide ranging discipline, but ultimately it is a demanding, hands-on discipline concerned with the management of people, plant and materials, all mobilised to complete a building project safely, on time, on budget and to the client’s satisfaction. Management of Construction Projects is a highly illustrated series of case studies based on seven live construction management projects, demonstrating the very practical nat
 Making Sense of Construction Improvement
 Making Sense of Construction Improvement

 Автор: Stuart Green D.

  The book sets out deliberately to challenge the current construction improvement debate and the way in which it is conducted. It confronts the supposedly neutral nature of construction 'best practice' and demonstrates that that the advocated recipes seldom stand up to critical scrutiny. It further argues that commonly accepted components of best practice such as lean construction, partnering and collaborative working rarely live up to the claims
 Project Scheduling and Management for Construction
 Project Scheduling and Management for Construction

 Автор: David R. Pierce, Jr.

  First published in 1988 by RS Means, the new edition of Project Scheduling and Management for Construction has been substantially revised for students enrolled in construction management and civil engineering programs. While retaining its emphasis on developing practical, professional-level scheduling skills, the new edition is a relatable, real-world case study that can be used over the course of a semester. The book also includes classroom ele
 Social Network Analysis in Construction
 Social Network Analysis in Construction

 Автор: Stephen Pryke

  The objective of the book is to make accessible the ways in which social network analysis (SNA) may be used to observe, monitor and analyse systems and relationships in major construction project coalitions. Although this has been an established analytical technique in the US for some time, it is only now being developed in the UK. Having spent nearly two decades investigating major project relationships using SNA, the author has brought togethe
 Estimating Building Costs for the Residential and Light Commercial Construction Professional
 Estimating Building Costs for the Residential and Light Commercial Construction Professional

 Автор: Wayne J. Del Pico

  How to succeed in the construction business—step-by-step guidelines for estimating To be competitive, contractors and homebuilders need to know how to generate complete, accurate estimates for labor and material costs. This book guides readers through the entire estimating process, explaining in detail how to put together a reliable estimate that can be used not only for budgeting, but also for developing a schedule, managing a project, dealing
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