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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Архитектурные конструкции
 Print and Specifications Reading for Construction
 Print and Specifications Reading for Construction

 Автор: Ron Russell

  Accurately interpret graphic and written construction documents Construction documents are the vital link between the architect's vision and the finished physical structure. Building professionals must accurately read and follow these documents in order to build a given design in the most efficient way possible. Print and Specifications Reading for Construction explains exactly how to interpret construction documents, offering students and profe
 Advanced Concrete Technology
 Advanced Concrete Technology

 Автор: Zongjin Li

  Over the past two decades concrete has enjoyed a renewed level of research and testing, resulting in the development of many new types of concrete. Through the use of various additives, production techniques and chemical processes, there is now a great degree of control over the properties of specific concretes for a wide range of applications. New theories, models and testing techniques have also been developed to push the envelope of concrete
 Water Efficiency in Buildings. Theory and Practice
 Water Efficiency in Buildings. Theory and Practice

 Автор: Kemi Adeyeye

  This reference source on water efficiency in buildings provides comprehensive and up-to-date information. Both multi-disciplinary and practical, it signposts current knowledge, innovation, expertise and evidence on an important subject which is high in the resource management debate. Water Efficiency in Buildings: a review of theory and practice is structured into five sections: Policy; People; Building Design and Planning; Alternative Water Tec

 Writing a Built Environment Dissertation. Practical Guidance and Examples
 Writing a Built Environment Dissertation. Practical Guidance and Examples

 Автор: Peter Farrell

  As a built environment student you are likely to be required to research, write and submit a dissertation as a core component of your degree studies. As a vocational profession, students of the built environment often have strong practical aspirations. Writing a Built Environment Dissertation provides practical guidance and will help to steer you into a position where you can develop a good dissertation by mixing your practical strengths with mo
 Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6
 Mauerwerk Kalender 2012. Schwerpunkt - Eurocode 6

 Автор: Wolfram Jager

  Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 36 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2012: Eurocode 6 with its German National Annexes
 Olin's Construction. Principles, Materials, and Methods
 Olin's Construction. Principles, Materials, and Methods

 Автор: H. Simmons Leslie

  Get the updated industry standard for a new age of construction! For more than fifty years, Olin's Construction has been the cornerstone reference in the field for architecture and construction professionals and students. This new edition is an invaluable resource that will provide in-depth coverage for decades to come. You'll find the most up-to-date principles, materials, methods, codes, and standards used in the design and construction of con
 Mauerwerk Kalender 2011. Schwerpunkt - Nachhaltige Bauprodukte und Konstruktionen
 Mauerwerk Kalender 2011. Schwerpunkt - Nachhaltige Bauprodukte und Konstruktionen

 Автор: Wolfram Jager

  Proven and new: practical compendium for masonry for 35 years and counting: basics, examples, code commentaries – current and firsthand. Focus for 2011: Sustainable building products and structures
 Praxis des Bauprozessmanagements. Termine, Kosten und Qualitat zuverlassig steuern
 Praxis des Bauprozessmanagements. Termine, Kosten und Qualitat zuverlassig steuern

 Автор: Christoph Motzko

  The book shows how the efficiency of construction projects can be considerably improved through process optimisation, industrialisation and the use of new technologies (sensor technologies, digital communications, real time control etc.).
 Theory of Structures. Fundamentals, Framed Structures, Plates and Shells
 Theory of Structures. Fundamentals, Framed Structures, Plates and Shells

 Автор: Peter Marti

  This book provides the reader with a consistent approach to theory of structures on the basis of applied mechanics. It covers framed structures as well as plates and shells using elastic and plastic theory, and emphasizes the historical background and the relationship to practical engineering activities. This is the first comprehensive treatment of the school of structures that has evolved at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich o
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