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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Архитектурные конструкции
 Audel Practical Electricity
 Audel Practical Electricity

 Автор: Paul Rosenberg

  Everything begins with the basics To succeed in any of today's electrical specialties, you must first understand the fundamentals. This concise guidebook, fully updated and revised to comply with the National Electrical Code,? provides that solid foundation in electrical theory, circuitry, and common applications. Whether you're pursuing an electrical career, need a refresher course, or simply want to understand the wiring in your home, you'll l
 Audel Electrician's Pocket Manual
 Audel Electrician's Pocket Manual

 Автор: Paul Rosenberg

  Your on-the-job reference Now fully updated for the 2002 National Electrical Code, the Electrician's Pocket Manual is packed with charts, conversions, photographs, diagrams, code standards, and other information you need on the job. Find answers quickly and easily * Explains updated maintenance and construction standards * Provides details on motors, controllers, and circuits * Examines electronic components and communications wiring * Features
 Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 1. Heating Systems, Furnaces and Boilers
 Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 1. Heating Systems, Furnaces and Boilers

 Автор: James Brumbaugh E.

  A reference you'll warm up to From the background and basics of heating systems to the newest chip-based technology, this first volume of Audel's HVAC Library gives you comprehensive information you need on the job. Whether you're installing, servicing, repairing, or troubleshooting an old or new heating system, you'll find what you're looking for, from wood and coal furnace maintenance to new calculations and the latest environmental technologi

 Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 2. Heating System Components, Gas and Oil Burners, and Automatic Controls
 Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 2. Heating System Components, Gas and Oil Burners, and Automatic Controls

 Автор: James Brumbaugh E.

  Your guide to keeping the heat on Whether you're an apprentice or a veteran HVAC technician, you know that technology changes and you need to keep up. This fully revised guidebook covers everything you need to know to install, maintain, and repair the components that run, regulate, and fuel both old and new systems. From oil burners and steam line controls to the newest chip-based technology and environmental regulations, Volume 2 helps you keep
 Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 3. Air Conditioning, Heat Pumps and Distribution Systems
 Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 3. Air Conditioning, Heat Pumps and Distribution Systems

 Автор: James Brumbaugh E.

  Keep it cool or heat things up This third volume of Audel's HVAC Library gives you a comprehensive, hands-on guide to installing, servicing, and repairing all basic air-conditioning systems in both new and older construction. You'll also find complete coverage of specialized heating units-radiators, radiant heating systems, stoves, fireplaces, heat pumps, and indoor/outdoor pool heaters, plus fans, exhaust systems, air filters, and more. It's wh
 Audel Electrical Course for Apprentices and Journeymen
 Audel Electrical Course for Apprentices and Journeymen

 Автор: Paul Rosenberg

  Spend your study time wisely As you advance from student to apprentice to journeyman status, you log a lot of study hours. Make the most of those hours with this fully updated, sharply focused self-study course. It contains everything you need to know about electrical theory and applications, clearly defined and logically organized, with illustrations for clarity and review questions at the end of each chapter to help you test your knowledge. *
 Audel Guide to the 2002 National Electrical Code
 Audel Guide to the 2002 National Electrical Code

 Автор: Paul Rosenberg

  Get a grip on the 2002 NEC The 2002 NEC is here-but what do the changes mean for you on the job? This easy-to-follow interpretive guide walks you article by article through the 2002 Code, clarifying terms, explaining new standards, highlighting compliance issues, and providing practical worksite tips. It's the one reference you need to make sense of the NEC-and make sure each job gets done by the book. * Know the rules for wiring design, protect
 Audel Pipefitter's and Welder's Pocket Manual
 Audel Pipefitter's and Welder's Pocket Manual

 Автор: Charles McConnell N.

  This little book is big on answers Whether you're an apprentice in the piping trades or a seasoned tradesperson, you'll find this completely revised and updated guide has answers to the questions you'll encounter on the job. Get current, concise facts on * Metrics and conversions * Tungsten inert gas welding and arc welding * Steam heating, hot water, refrigeration, and air conditioning systems * Grooved end/plain end piping systems * Process pi
 Audel Carpenter's and Builder's Layout, Foundation, and Framing
 Audel Carpenter's and Builder's Layout, Foundation, and Framing

 Автор: Rex Miller

  Here's knowledge you can build on Whether you're building a storage shed or your dream house, the same principles govern choosing a site, setting the foundation, erecting the walls, and putting on the roof. This handy how-to guide has been totally revised and updated to cover new building materials and the latest techniques in construction and framing. It's where to find answers and solutions, from the first stake to the last roofing nail. * Cho
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