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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Архитектурные конструкции
 Heating Systems, Plant and Control
 Heating Systems, Plant and Control

 Автор: Keith Shepherd

  In many climates buildings are unable to provide comfort conditions for year-round occupancy without the benefit of a heating system, and most HVAC engineers will routinely be involved with issues concerning the design, installation and performance of such systems. Furthermore, in temperate climates, heating of buildings accounts for a large slice of annual carbon emissions. The design of heating systems for maximum efficiency and minimum carbon
 Governance and Knowledge Management for Public-Private Partnerships
 Governance and Knowledge Management for Public-Private Partnerships

 Автор: Herbert Robinson

  The book not only gives a clear picture of the policy and strategic framework of PFI/PPP projects, the governance and knowledge management issues through different phases from planning, design development to operation and service delivery and the processes associated with each phase, but practical tools, methodologies and capabilities needed to deliver PFI/PPP projects in a range of sectors are also explained. It clearly demonstrates the key imp
 Code of Practice for Programme Management
 Code of Practice for Programme Management

 Автор: CIOB (The Chartered Institute of Building)

  The CIOB Code of Practice Programme Management for Construction & Development is intended to complement the popular CIOB Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development, providing practical coverage of general processes and procedures to be followed when managing a construction programme or portfolio of projects. It sets out the necessary requirements for effective and efficient programme management, but is not intended

 Advanced Analysis and Design of Steel Frames
 Advanced Analysis and Design of Steel Frames

 Автор: Jin-jin Li

  Steel frames are used in many commercial high-rise buildings, as well as industrial structures, such as ore mines and oilrigs. Enabling construction of ever lighter and safer structures, steel frames have become an important topic for engineers. This book, split into two parts covering advanced analysis and advanced design of steel frames, guides the reader from a broad array of frame elements through to advanced design methods such as determini
 Building Physics -- Heat, Air and Moisture
 Building Physics -- Heat, Air and Moisture

 Автор: Hugo S. L. Hens

  Bad experiences with construction quality, the energy crises of 1973 and 1979, complaints about 'sick buildings', thermal, acoustical, visual and olfactory discomfort, the move towards more sustainability, have all accelerated the development of a field, which until 35 years ago was hardly more than an academic exercise: building physics. Through the application of existing physical knowledge and the combination with information coming from othe
 Strategic Issues in Public-Private Partnerships
 Strategic Issues in Public-Private Partnerships

 Автор: Mirjam Bult-Spiering

  The book provides an international overview of developments in public-private partnerships (PPP) in different countries, and addresses the various characteristics and approaches to PPP. Drawing on a number of international studies carried out by the authors, the book describes the rationale behind various PPP approaches, looks at the process aspects and dynamics of PPPs and aims to stimulate a more strategic discussion of PPP.
 Financial Management and Accounting Fundamentals for Construction
 Financial Management and Accounting Fundamentals for Construction

 Автор: Daniel Halpin W.

  SUCCESSFUL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY BEGINS WITH THIS HANDS-ON GUIDE While construction professionals are skilled in the technical side of their work, they often find the financial management aspect of the business daunting. Financial Management and Accounting Fundamentals for Construction will help you better understand and navigate the financial decisions that are part of every construction project. This book is a compa
 Requirements Engineering for Computer Integrated Environments in Construction
 Requirements Engineering for Computer Integrated Environments in Construction

 Автор: Ghassan Aouad

  Efficient communication, collaboration, data exchange and sharing are crucial for the success of today's many multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary work environments. The implementation of computer integrated environments (CIE) is increasing and the requirements engineering necessary for the development of these systems is critical. Requirements Engineering for Computer Integrated Environments in Construction provides an important source of i
 Marketing and Selling Professional Services in Architecture and Construction
 Marketing and Selling Professional Services in Architecture and Construction

 Автор: Basil Sawczuk

  This practical book on selling and marketing will help architects, engineers, project managers, facilities managers, surveyors, and contractors ‘sell’ themselves to prospective clients. As clients become more sophisticated at both local and international level, and as competition in the construction industry increases, both contractors and consultants have to take a more professional approach to selling themselves. This is especially true for PF
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