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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Архитектурные конструкции
 Nanomaterialy w architekturze i budownictwie
 Nanomaterialy w architekturze i budownictwie

 Автор: Maria Trzaska

 Global Construction Success
 Global Construction Success

 Автор: Charles O'Neil

  A guide to effective corporate and project management in the construction industry with a focus on the role that people play in the process Global Construction Success explores the importance that human dynamics play in risk management of construction projects. Every time a project is structured, designed and built, personal behaviours and inputs can either lead to success or be the cause of failure. With contributions from noted experts on the
 Barry's Advanced Construction of Buildings
 Barry's Advanced Construction of Buildings

 Автор: Stephen Emmitt

  The updated edition of the authoritative and comprehensive guide to construction practice The revised fourth edition of Barry’s Advanced Construction of Buildings expands on the resource that has become a standard text on the construction of buildings. The fourth edition covers the construction of larger-scale buildings (primarily residential, commercial and industrial) constructed with load bearing frames in timber, concrete and steel; supporte

 Design and Analysis of Connections in Steel Structures. Fundamentals and Examples
 Design and Analysis of Connections in Steel Structures. Fundamentals and Examples

 Автор: Alfredo Boracchini

  The book introduces all the aspects needed for the safe and economic design and analysis of connections using bolted joints in steel structures. This is not treated according to any specific standard but making comparison among the different norms and methodologies used in the engineering practice, e.g. Eurocode, AISC, DIN, BS. Several examples are solved and illustrated in detail, giving the reader all the tools necessary to tackle also complex
 Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings
 Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings

 Автор: Stephen Emmitt

  An authoritative, well-established, comprehensive, practical, and highly illustrated guide to construction practice Based mainly on domestic and residential buildings—and filled with extensive illustrations throughout—this concise text is the ideal introduction to the subject of building construction. It provides the basic material that readers need in order to understand the construction process for the majority of low rise buildings. The book
 Smith, Currie and Hancock's Common Sense Construction Law. A Practical Guide for the Construction Professional
 Smith, Currie and Hancock's Common Sense Construction Law. A Practical Guide for the Construction Professional

 Автор: Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP

  Cut through the legalese to truly understand construction law Smith, Currie & Hancock's Common Sense Construction Law is a guide for non-lawyers, presenting a practical introduction to the significant legal topics and questions affecting the construction industry. Now in its fifth edition, this useful guide has been updated to reflect the most current developments in the field, with new information on Public Private Partnerships, international c
 Bridge Disasters in America: The Cause and the Remedy
 Bridge Disasters in America: The Cause and the Remedy

 Автор: George Leonard Vose
 Programme Procurement in Construction. Learning from London 2012
 Programme Procurement in Construction. Learning from London 2012

 Автор: Mead John

  This book … adds to the impressive ‘legacy’ of learning which is still emerging from the successful delivery of the London 2012 construction programme. The authors combine the reforming zeal of a champion for change, who was there every step of the way, with academic rigour, and the result is delivered with impressive passion and commitment to the topic … All spenders and suppliers need to read this, to understand how conventional understandings
 Building Structures
 Building Structures

 Автор: Ambrose Moyer James

  The comprehensive reference on the basics of structural analysis and design, now updated with the latest considerations of building technology Structural design is an essential element of the building process, yet one of the most difficult to learn. While structural engineers do the detailed consulting work for a building project, architects need to know enough structural theory and analysis to design a building. Most texts on structures for arc
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