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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 HipHopEd: The Compilation on Hip-Hop Education
 HipHopEd: The Compilation on Hip-Hop Education

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Dinner with a Cannibal
 Dinner with a Cannibal

 Автор: Carole A Travis-Henikoff

  Presenting the history of cannibalism in concert with human evolution, Dinner with a Cannibal takes its readers on an astonishing trip around the world and through history, examining its subject from every angle in order to paint the incredible, multifaceted panoply that is the reality of cannibalism. At the heart of Carole A. Travis-Henikoff’s book is the question of how cannibalism began with the human species and how it has become a
 Emerging Ritual in Secular Societies
 Emerging Ritual in Secular Societies

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The growing absence of meaningful ritual in contemporary Western societies has led to cohesive research on the history of ritualizing behaviour in different cultures. The relatively new field of ritology, which includes neuroscience, anthropology, cultural psychology, psychotherapy and even art and performance, raises questions about the significance and practice of ritual today. This book is the first of its kind to discuss the importance of se

 Anthropological Approaches to Psychological Medicine
 Anthropological Approaches to Psychological Medicine

 Автор: Группа авторов
 My Dearest Birdie
 My Dearest Birdie

 Автор: Julie Phillips
 Footbinding as Fashion
 Footbinding as Fashion

 Автор: John Robert Shepherd

  Previous studies of the practice of footbinding in imperial China have theorized that it expressed ethnic identity or that it served an economic function.�By analyzing the popularity of footbinding in different places and times, Footbinding as Fashion�investigates the claim that early Qing (1644�1911) attempts by Manchu rulers to ban footbinding made it a symbol of anti-Manchu sentiment and Han identity and led t
 Making New Nepal
 Making New Nepal

 Автор: Amanda Therese Snellinger

  One of the most important political transitions to occur in South Asia in recent decades was the ouster of Nepal�s monarchy in 2006 and the institution of a democratic secular republic in 2008. Based on extensive ethnographic research between 2003 and 2015,�Making New Nepal�provides a snapshot of an activist generation�s political coming-of-age during a decade of civil war and ongoing democratic street
 Shanghai Sacred
 Shanghai Sacred

 Автор: Liang Zhang

  Shanghai, a dynamic world metropolis, is home to a multitude of religions, from Buddhism and Islam, to Christianity and Baha�ism, to Hinduism and Daoism, and many more. In this city of 24 million inhabitants, new religious groups and older faiths together claim and reclaim spiritual space.Shanghai Sacred�explores the spaces, rituals, and daily practices that make up the religious landscape of the city, offering a new paradi
 The Clinic and Elsewhere
 The Clinic and Elsewhere

 Автор: Todd Meyers

  Despite increasingly nuanced understandings of the neurobiology of addiction and a greater appreciation of the social and economic conditions that allow drug dependency to persist, there remain many unknowns regarding the individual experience of substance abuse and its treatment. In recent years, novel pharmaceutical therapies have given rise to both new hopes for recovery and renewed fears about drug diversion and abuse. In The Clinic and Els
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