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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 The Quiet Hand of God
 The Quiet Hand of God

 Автор: Группа авторов
 White Plague, Black Labor
 White Plague, Black Labor

 Автор: Randall M. Packard
 The Catholic Imagination
 The Catholic Imagination

 Автор: Andrew Greeley

  Catholics live in an enchanted world: a world of statues and holy water, stained glass and votive candles, saints and religious medals, rosary beads and holy pictures. But these Catholic paraphernalia are merely hints of a deeper and more pervasive religious sensibility that inclines Catholics to see the Holy lurking in creation. The world of the Catholic is haunted by a sense that the objects, events, and persons of daily life are revelations o

 Biology Unmoored
 Biology Unmoored

 Автор: Sandra Bamford
 Pathologies of Power
 Pathologies of Power

 Автор: Paul Farmer
 Testosterone Dreams
 Testosterone Dreams

 Автор: John Hoberman

 Автор: Hugh B. Urban

  A complex body of religious practices that spread throughout the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions; a form of spirituality that seemingly combines sexuality, sensual pleasure, and the full range of physical experience with the religious life—Tantra has held a central yet conflicted role within the Western imagination ever since the first «discovery» of Indian religions by European scholars. Always radical, always extremely Other, Tantra has p
 Why I Am Not a Scientist
 Why I Am Not a Scientist

 Автор: Jonathan Marks
 Them That Believe
 Them That Believe

 Автор: Ralph Hood

  Although outlawed in many states, serpent handling remains an active religious practice—and one that is far more stereotyped than understood. Ralph W. Hood, Jr. and W. Paul Williamson have spent fifteen years touring serpent-handling churches in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, and West Virginia, conducting scores of interviews with serpent handlers, and witnessing hundreds of serpent-handling services. In this illuminating
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