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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Spirits of Protestantism
 Spirits of Protestantism

 Автор: Pamela E. Klassen

  Spirits of Protestantism reveals how liberal Protestants went from being early-twentieth-century medical missionaries seeking to convert others through science and scripture, to becoming vocal critics of missionary arrogance who experimented with non-western healing modes such as Yoga and Reiki. Drawing on archival and ethnographic sources, Pamela E. Klassen shows how and why the very notion of healing within North America has been infused wit
 Moral Ambition
 Moral Ambition

 Автор: Omri Elisha

  In this evocative ethnography, Omri Elisha examines the hopes, frustrations, and activist strategies of American evangelical Christians as they engage socially with local communities. Focusing on two Tennessee megachurches, <i>Moral Ambition</i> reaches beyond political controversies over issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and public prayer to highlight the ways that evangelicals at the grassroots of the Christian Right prom
 The Fossil Chronicles
 The Fossil Chronicles

 Автор: Dean Falk

  Two discoveries of early human relatives, one in 1924 and one in 2003, radically changed scientific thinking about our origins. Dean Falk, a pioneer in the field of human brain evolution, offers this fast-paced insider’s account of these discoveries, the behind-the-scenes politics embroiling the scientists who found and analyzed them, and the academic and religious controversies they generated. The first is the Taung child, a two-million-year-ol

 HIV is God's Blessing
 HIV is God's Blessing

 Автор: Jarrett Zigon

  This provocative study examines the role of today’s Russian Orthodox Church in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Russia has one of the fastest-growing rates of HIV infection in the world—80 percent from intravenous drug use—and the Church remains its only resource for fighting these diseases. Jarrett Zigon takes the reader into a Church-run treatment center where, along with self-transformational and religious approaches, he explores broader anthropolo
 Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen
 Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen

 Автор: Paul U. Unschuld
 Performing Piety
 Performing Piety

 Автор: Elaine A. Pena

  The Virgin of Guadalupe, though quintessentially Mexican, inspires devotion throughout the Americas and around the world. This study sheds new light on the long-standing transnational dimensions of Guadalupan worship by examining the production of sacred space in three disparate but interconnected locations—at the sacred space known as Tepeyac in Mexico City, at its replica in Des Plaines, Illinois, and at a sidewalk shrine constructed by Mexica
 Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco
 Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco

 Автор: Paul Rabinow

  In this landmark study, now celebrating thirty years in print, Paul Rabinow takes as his focus the fieldwork that anthropologists do. How valid is the process? To what extent do the cultural data become artifacts of the interaction between anthropologist and informants? Having first published a more standard ethnographic study about Morocco, Rabinow here describes a series of encounters with his informants in that study, from a French innkeeper
 The Sacred Self
 The Sacred Self

 Автор: Thomas J. Csordas
 Reproducing Women
 Reproducing Women

 Автор: Yi-Li Wu

  This innovative book uses the lens of cultural history to examine the development of medicine in Qing dynasty China. Focusing on the specialty of «medicine for women»(<i>fuke</i>), Yi-Li Wu explores the material and ideological issues associated with childbearing in the late imperial period. She draws on a rich array of medical writings that circulated in seventeenth- to nineteenth-century China to analyze the points of convergence a
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