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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Island Historical Ecology
 Island Historical Ecology

 Автор: Группа авторов
 The Voice of Prophecy
 The Voice of Prophecy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Edwin Ardener – a new expanded edition of the collected works of one of the most important social anthroplogists in Britian of his time. Ardener worked on social, economic, demographic and political problems, and was particularly influential in his sustained effort to bring together social anthropology and linguistics in a highly original attempt to reconcile scientific and humanistic approaches to the study of society. This volume offers a theo
 Nationalism's Bloody Terrain
 Nationalism's Bloody Terrain

 Автор: Группа авторов

 Aesthetics in Performance
 Aesthetics in Performance

 Автор: Группа авторов
 The Making of Anthropology in East and Southeast Asia
 The Making of Anthropology in East and Southeast Asia

 Автор: Группа авторов
 The Ethics of Knowledge Creation
 The Ethics of Knowledge Creation

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Anthropology lies at the heart of the human sciences, tackling questions having to do with the foundations, ethics, and deployment of the knowledge crucial to human lives. The Ethics of Knowledge Creation focuses on how knowledge is relationally created, how local knowledge can be transmuted into ‘universal knowledge’, and how the transaction and consumption of knowledge also monitors its subsequent production. This volume examines the ethical
 Indigeneity and the Sacred
 Indigeneity and the Sacred

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book presents current research in the political ecology of indigenous revival and its role in nature conservation in critical areas in the Americas. An important contribution to evolving studies on conservation of sacred natural sites (SNS), the book elucidates the complexity of development scenarios within cultural landscapes related to the appropriation of religion, environmental change in indigenous territories, and new conservation mana
 The Myth of Self-Reliance
 The Myth of Self-Reliance

 Автор: Naohiko Omata

  For many refugees, economic survival in refugee camps is extraordinarily difficult. Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative research , this volume challenges the reputation of a ‘self-reliant’ model given to Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana and sheds light on considerable economic inequality between refugee households.By following the same refugee households over several years, The Myth of Self-Reliance also provides valuable insights into
 Grace after Genocide
 Grace after Genocide

 Автор: Carol A. Mortland

  Grace after Genocide is the first comprehensive ethnography of Cambodian refugees, charting their struggle to transition from life in agrarian Cambodia to survival in post-industrial America, while maintaining their identities as Cambodians. The ethnography contrasts the lives of refugees who arrived in America after 1975, with their focus on Khmer traditions, values, and relations, with those of their children who, as descendants of the Khmer
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