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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Tarzan Was an Eco-tourist
 Tarzan Was an Eco-tourist

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Conjuring Hope
 Conjuring Hope

 Автор: Galina Lindquist

  Notions of magic and healing have been changing over past years and are now understood as reflecting local ideas of power and agency, as well as structures of self, subjectivity and affect. This study focuses on contemporary urban Russia and, through exploring social conditions, conveys the experience of living that makes magic logical. By following people’s own interpretations of the work of magic, the author succeeds in unraveling the logic of
 Neo-nationalism in Europe and Beyond
 Neo-nationalism in Europe and Beyond

 Автор: Группа авторов

 Cultivating Arctic Landscapes
 Cultivating Arctic Landscapes

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Food in Zones of Conflict
 Food in Zones of Conflict

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The availability of food is an especially significant issue in zones of conflict because conflict nearly always impinges on the production and the distribution of food, and causes increased competition for food, land and resources Controlling the production of and access to food can also be used as a weapon by protagonists in conflict. The logistics of supply of food to military personnel operating in conflict zones is another important issue. T
 At Home in the Hills
 At Home in the Hills

 Автор: Джон Грэй
 Applications of Anthropology
 Applications of Anthropology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  At the beginning of the twenty-first century the demand for anthropological approaches, understandings and methodologies outside academic departments is shifting and changing. Through a series of fascinating case studies of anthropologists’ experiences of working with very diverse organizations in the private and public sector this volume examines existing and historical debates about applied anthropology. It explores the relationship between th

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Living Translation
 Living Translation

 Автор: Sonya Pritzker
Показано 370 - 378 (всего 626 позиций)
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