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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Being Human, Being Migrant
 Being Human, Being Migrant

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Migrant experiences accentuate general aspects of the human condition. Therefore, this volume explores migrant’s movements not only as geographical movements from here to there but also as movements that constitute an embodied, cognitive, and existential experience of living “in between” or on the “borderlands” between differently figured life-worlds. Focusing on memories, nostalgia, the here-and-now social experiences of daily living, and the h
 Understanding Cultural Transmission in Anthropology
 Understanding Cultural Transmission in Anthropology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The concept of «cultural transmission» is central to much contemporary anthropological theory, since successful human reproduction through social systems is essential for effective survival and for enhancing the adaptiveness of individual humans and local populations. Yet, what is understood by the phrase and how it might best be studied is highly contested. This book brings together contributions that reflect the current diversity of approaches
 Japanese Tourism
 Japanese Tourism

 Автор: Malcolm Cooper

  The changing patterns of Japanese tourism and the views of the Japanese tourist since the Meiji Restoration, in 1868, are given an in-depth historical, geographical, economic and social analysis in this book. As well as providing a case study for the purpose of investigating the changing face of global tourism from the 19th to the 21st Century, this account of Japanese tourism explores both domestic social relations and international geographica

 The European Puzzle
 The European Puzzle

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Strangers Either Way
 Strangers Either Way

 Автор: Jasna Capo Zmegac
 State Practices and Zionist Images
 State Practices and Zionist Images

 Автор: David A. Wesley

  Although the Israeli state subscribes to the principles of administrative fairness and equality for Jews and Arabs before the law, the reality looks very different. Focusing on Arab land loss inside Israel proper and the struggle over development resources, this study explores the interaction between Arab local authorities, their Jewish neighbors, and the agencies of the national government in regard to developing local and regional industrial a
 Local Science Vs Global Science
 Local Science Vs Global Science

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Louis Dumont and Hierarchical Opposition
 Louis Dumont and Hierarchical Opposition

 Автор: Robert Parkin
 Reproductive Disruptions
 Reproductive Disruptions

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Nominated for the 2007 Book Prize by the Council on Anthropology and Reproduction (AAA) Reproductive disruptions, such as infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, and childhood disability, are among the most distressing experiences in people’s lives. Based on research by leading medical anthropologists from around the world, this book examines such issues as local practices detrimental to safe pregnancy and birth; conflicting reproductive goals
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