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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Альтернативная медицина
 Healing Brain Injury with Chinese Medical Approaches
 Healing Brain Injury with Chinese Medical Approaches

 Автор: Douglas S. Wingate

  Learn to treat symptoms of traumatic and acquired brain injury using Chinese medicinal methods of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Covering both Western and Chinese medicine understandings of the brain, the book provides a thorough exploration of treatment options, including multiple acupuncture systems, Chinese herbal formulas, dietary and orthomolecular recommendations, and standard biomedical approaches. Many symptoms associated with brain
 Diving Medical Acupuncture
 Diving Medical Acupuncture

 Автор: Janneke Vermeulen

  Written for acupuncturists and Chinese medicine practitioners, this book describes the medical conditions that can prevent, complicate or result from diving and other water sports, and provides effective clinical treatments. The most common problems experienced by divers – ear, nose and throat (ENT) disorders – can be effectively treated with acupuncture. Through in-depth knowledge of Western diving medicine, diving techniques and Chinese medici
 Returning to the Source
 Returning to the Source

 Автор: Z'ev Rosenberg

  Chinese Medicine constantly refers back to its sources in order to initiate the new. Its source code is in the Han Dynasty medical classics, and in this handbook esteemed practitioner and educator Professor Z'ev Rosenberg shares the knowledge from his study of these classic texts and his experiences treating difficult cases. In the tradition of the scholar-physician commentaries, Z'ev Rosenberg comments on the Simple Questions that in

 A Record of the Assembled Immortals and Gathered Perfected of the Western Hills
 A Record of the Assembled Immortals and Gathered Perfected of the Western Hills

 Автор: Richard Bertschinger

  In this Tang Classic text from the 9th Century, Daoist practitioner Shi Jianwu describes how through adapting our own breathing to the breath of the universe and daily meditation, one can develop an astral body and 'transcend earthly matters to walk in the divine'. Richard Bertschinger offers the first annotated English language translation of this text with practical guidance for Qigong, meditative practice and personal development.
 The Living Needle
 The Living Needle

 Автор: Justin Phillips

  This fully illustrated guide to modern acupuncture technique explores the foundational skills of the craft from a primarily energetic perspective, showing how perfecting these skills can have a profound effect on the practice of Chinese Medicine. The goal is for the clinician to be able to fully grasp what they are doing on the channels and the tissues with each of the classic manipulation techniques in a way that has hitherto been unexplored in
 Chinese Medical Gynaecology
 Chinese Medical Gynaecology

 Автор: Eddie Dowd

  Many of the issues that relate to women's health from period pain to infertility, can be self-treated with Chinese medicine approaches, and this clear and practical guide explains how to assess symptoms and choose the most effective form of treatment. Written for women interested in taking a more active role in their own health and well-being, the book covers health issues of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and post-partum, menopause, fertil
 The Spirit of the Organs
 The Spirit of the Organs

 Автор: John Hamwee

  In the Chinese medicine tradition, understanding and resonating with the spirit of the organs leads to better diagnosis and more effective, powerful treatment. Behind most symptoms lies a disturbance of spirit, and the more alert a practitioner to the nature of such a disturbance the more effective the treatment is likely to be. John Hamwee explores the spirit of each organ not in analytical, rational, summarising language but through life stor
 Treating Emotional Trauma with Chinese Medicine
 Treating Emotional Trauma with Chinese Medicine

 Автор: CT Holman

  Emotional trauma can upset the harmony of the body and reduce the body's ability to heal and regulate itself. Once the traumas are identified and treated, the body will function at an optimum level and will respond to treatments for other conditions present.
This book integrates the multi-diagnostic and treatment methods existing in Chinese medicine, and contains diagnostics such as facial, pulse, tongue, and channel palpation diag

 Автор: Michael Corradino

  Neuropuncture is the clinical manual of a groundbreaking acupuncture system that incorporates neuroscience into its clinical applications for pain management, orthopaedic conditions and internal medicine. It shows acupuncturists how to apply research into the neurophysiological mechanisms of acupuncture and electrical acupuncture to the traditional TCM model of healthcare. The book explains how acupuncture works using Western medical science and
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