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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Альтернативная медицина
 The Luo Collaterals
 The Luo Collaterals

 Автор: David Twicken

  First referenced in the Ling Shu and the Su Wen, the Luo Collaterals or Luo Mai, are an integral part of the acupuncture channel system. In this book, Dr. David Twicken provides a comprehensive account of the Luo Mai, including detailed analyses of the classical and contemporary theories and clinical applications. Modern practitioners often use the Luo Collaterals to treat the emotions and the organs, with treatments influencing the blood netwo
 Foundations of Theory for Ancient Chinese Medicine
 Foundations of Theory for Ancient Chinese Medicine

 Автор: Guohui Liu

  Discussion of Cold Damage (Shang Han Lun) and contemporary texts of ancient China form the bedrock of modern Chinese medicine practice, yet these classic texts contain many concepts that are either hard to understand or confusing. Based on over thirty years' medical practice, and study of the texts, this book explains the concepts involved so that the clinical applications of the ancient texts can be better understood and put into practice.
 Tui na
 Tui na

 Автор: Sarah Pritchard

  Tui na: The Chinese Massage Manual is a comprehensive and well established handbook for students and practitioners of Tui na in the West. The author describes the roots and development of Tui na, how it works therapeutically with the context of Chinse medicine, and how to become an effective Tui na practitioner. The book contains detailed and clearly illustrated descriptions of Tui na techniques, how to practice them, their clinical applicat

 Chinese Massage Manual
 Chinese Massage Manual

 Автор: Sarah Pritchard

  This comprehensive, introductory book covers the essentials of Chinese massage (Tui na), including the fundamental principles of Chinese medicine, and the 20 basic massage techniques. It also includes treatment advice for 12 common ailments, so that the reader can practice what he or she has learnt to good effect. The book covers: · Instruction on 20 specialized massage techniques· How to locate over 50 points to treat specific problems· How to
 Qigong Through the Seasons
 Qigong Through the Seasons

 Автор: Ronald H. Davis

  Within the holistic framework of the Daoist way, Ronald H. Davis provides a comprehensive and straightforward guide to the principles and practice of actively living in harmony with the seasonal energetic changes throughout the year. The program focuses on the importance of Qigong, meditation, and diet to support good mental and physical health. The author includes clear explanations of the theory underlying this approach to a healthy life, in
 Chinese Medical Qigong
 Chinese Medical Qigong

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Based on the latest edition of the approved textbook on Medical Qigong used in Chinese universities, this authoritative paperback edition has been completely revised and edited to meet the needs of western practitioners. The editors emphasize the practice of Qigong, and this section of the book has been revised and expanded; a wide range of Qigong forms are presented, taking full account of the history, correct practice, and development of Qigon
 Essential Texts in Chinese Medicine
 Essential Texts in Chinese Medicine

 Автор: Richard Bertschinger

  In this selection of core texts, Richard Bertschinger presents a commentary and translation of the key writings for students and practitioners of Chinese medicine in the 21st century from the ancient, definitive set of books on Chinese medicine, the Huangdi Neijing or 'the Yellow Emperor's Medical Classic'. Bertschinger selects the key sections of the long and often impenetrable Huangdi Neijing that are vital for students and pra
 The Active Points Test
 The Active Points Test

 Автор: Stefano Marcelli

  The Active Points Test is a clinical instrument for identifying and selecting the points on the skin that are most effective for treatment. These points may be close to the seat of the disease, for example on the shoulder for periarthritis, or far away, for example on the ear or head for stomach pain or a cough. Drawing on principles from TCM and Western medicine, Dr Stefano Marcelli sets out the theory of the approach and offers detailed guid
 Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
 Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

 Автор: Buck Charles Neville

  Charles Buck draws on three decades of study, practice and teaching in this book to provide a relevant and engaging account of the origins of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. From its pre-Han dynasty roots to Chinese medicine as we know it today, Buck covers the key texts, the main scholars and the concepts they have contributed, emphasising those that are more relevant to clinicians wishing to understand the authentic tradition. The informatio
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