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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Альтернативная медицина
 Facial Enhancement Acupuncture
 Facial Enhancement Acupuncture

 Автор: Paul Adkins

  Based on Five Elements theory, this practical, fully illustrated guide to performing facial enhancement acupuncture (also known as cosmetic acupuncture, facial revitalisation or facial rejuvenation acupuncture) shows in detail the acupuncture points, techniques and equipment used in this procedure. Facial enhancement acupuncture targets points and muscles of the face in order to improve the elasticity of the skin and general overall appearance,
 Japanese Holistic Face Massage
 Japanese Holistic Face Massage

 Автор: Rosemary Patten

  Based on the ancient system of Chinese medicine, Japanese holistic face massage has been used for centuries to maintain a youthful complexion, reflect inner calm and promote longevity. This comprehensive introductory guide explains how to perform the massage and explores the therapeutic benefits of this treatment. Beginning with a brief account of the philosophy behind Japanese holistic face massage, including Ki/Qi/prana, acupressure and the
 Eight Extraordinary Channels - Qi Jing Ba Mai
 Eight Extraordinary Channels - Qi Jing Ba Mai

 Автор: David Twicken

  The Eight Extraordinary channels are amongst the most interesting and clinically important aspects of Chinese medicine and Qigong. This book introduces the theory behind the channels, explains their clinical applications, and explores their psycho-emotional and spiritual qualities. The author also describes how to cultivate the channels through Nei Dan Inner Meditation. As a practitioner of Chinese medicine or acupuncture, the key to creating e

 The Great Intent
 The Great Intent

 Автор: Richard Bertschinger

  Songs and rhymes have been used by physicians for centuries in China as a means of memorising and passing on methods of practice and behaviour, moral attitudes, effective points, diagnostic tips and rules of thumb. These newly translated poems offer a rich insight into the life and thought of these skilled doctors, as well as practical indications for treatment. Contemporary acupuncturists can see from these poems the depths of the tradition, be
 Principles of Chinese Medicine
 Principles of Chinese Medicine

 Автор: Angela Hicks

  Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, qigong, tui na massage and diet therapy have been used by the Chinese for over 2000 years, and they are still the treatments of choice for millions of people throughout the East. Now, Westerners are becoming aware of the many benefits of these potent therapies and the popularity of Chinese medicine is spreading rapidly. Covering everything from the basic theory of Chinese medicine to how to find a practitioner, the b
 Pocket Handbook of Body Reflex Zones Illustrated in Color
 Pocket Handbook of Body Reflex Zones Illustrated in Color

 Автор: Guo Changqing Guoyan

  Based on a holistic approach to the body, reflex zone therapy is an energy medicine understood through meridian and reflex theory. This concise handbook presents the key principles of this ancient system. Covering everything from cranial, facial and auricular zones to hand, feet, wrist and ankle points, the book provides practical and accessible information on the locations and indications of the reflex zones. Extensively illustrated with phot
 Pocket Handbook of Particularly Effective Acupoints for Common Conditions Illustrated in Color
 Pocket Handbook of Particularly Effective Acupoints for Common Conditions Illustrated in Color

 Автор: Guo Changqing Guoyan

  The study of acupoints plays an essential part in the effective practice of acupuncture. This book provides a practical guide to the key acupuncture points that aid the treatment of many common conditions. It covers the most important acupuncture points located on the fourteen meridians, from the five-shu points to the confluence points of the eight extraordinary vessels. With full color illustrations, it offers practical information on the loc
 Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine
 Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine

 Автор: John Hicks

  Chinese herbal medicine has become an increasingly popular method of treatment for a range of different health conditions – from eczema to fertility problems. This book presents an authoritative introduction to the fundamentals of Chinese herbal medicine. Covering everything from the history to the most important Chinese herbs and their properties to what to expect from a consultation, the book provides readers with all the key information abou
 Heavenly Streams
 Heavenly Streams

 Автор: Damo Mitchell

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